The Central/Southern Illinois Synod Women of the ELCA will hold its biennial convention on September 9-10 at Grace Lutheran Church in Springfield.
Please join us at this downtown church in the middle of the Lincoln Home National Historic Site. Our Chaplain will be Pat Caley who is a Deacon with our synod. She has been a past president for our synodical women’s organization and has been a chaplain for our Churchwide Women of the ELCA event “Pivot, don’t Panic”. She has served Grace Lutheran many times as a supply pastor and is a joy to know! Kathryn Harris will be introducing us to Harriet Tubman and Sharon Miner will discuss how Reverend Springer and Abe Lincoln were connected. Eve Fischberg will lead us in a dance/exercise session from the 1800’s. Our theme is “Bonding, Learning, and Growing closer to God” and our Bible verse theme is “I have called you by name, you are mine” Isaiah 43:1.
We will have devotions, a service project, food, fun, fellowship, prizes. Preconference tours can be done before the convention to Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum, Lincoln’s home, the food pantry and sanctuary of Grace Lutheran, and possibly First Presbyterian Church (Abe Lincoln’s church).
Registration form, speaker bios, nomination form and duty summary, hotel arrangements, and other additional information is available in the July newsletter.