2024 Northern Conference Gathering
The Fall Gathering of the WELCA Northern Conference was held on September 28 at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Peoria with 52 women from 10 congregations. The theme of the fall gathering was “Fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22), and “Jesus is the Vine” (John 15:5).
Registration began at 8:30 a.m., followed by a light breakfast, which included fair trade coffee and Ta Dough’s donuts. Next, Pastor Lisa Dietrich of St. Paul led spirit-filled worship, hymns, and Communion. Mary Conrad from St. Paul’s provided accompaniment on the piano.
Guest speaker Deacon Pat Caley, from St. John’s in Springfield, hosted the fair trade market and delivered an insightful presentation on fair trade impact in the market today.
After that, Gretchen Petrakis from Salem Lutheran led an enlightening activity on fruit of the Spirit. Guests received a beautiful book with devotions and photographs. Jeanne Setterlund led attendees in assembling student backpacks for Lutheran World Relief.
A total of 48 backpacks were assembled for delivery to the Bloomington in-gathering on October 26. Our offering brought in $324 for Lutheran World Relief and WELCA.
Kathy Olesuk, C/SIS WELCA Northern Conference Representative, led the business meeting. Debra Newton from Grace and Peace, Peoria, announced the roll call. Deacon Pat provided an update to guests about Women of the ELCA.
The business meeting adjourned at noon. Guests enjoyed a delicious lunch provided by the women of St. Paul, included a selection of ten delectable, fruity desserts!
The program wrapped up with a door prize winner of a fair trade gift basket, fruit of the Spirit domino games, and closing hymn.
Many thanks to all who attended and participated, some from many miles away! Special thanks to St. Paul Lutheran for hosting this year's fall gathering and their hospitality!