President's Update
Dear Sisters in Christ,
Hopefully you are keeping cool in the middle of this summer and able to relax and rejuvenate some. Thankfully, we are blessed to have air conditioning for our hot days in the 90’s. My son was surprised in Geneva, Switzerland, where he is doing research at CERN, by a record heat wave in the 100’s. Most of Europe does not have air conditioning. At least he has a fan now for his apartment to help him sleep and his work is air conditioned.
Our Central/Southern Illinois Women of the ELCA Board has been working on our Fall Biennial Convention to be held October 11-12, 2019 when it will be cooler and much more pleasant. It will be at Lake Williamson Christian Center in Carlinville (like 2017). We hope to see many of you there. Please refer to our Summer Newsletter and the website for more information on the convention. Packets will be mailed out soon with nomination forms for Board offices such as Vice President and Treasurer and conference representatives. Nominations are needed for 2020 Triennial Delegates as well.
Why do I love being a member of the Women of the ELCA? I love the friendship, fellowship, fun and the support to help me grow in my faith life. I enjoy working with others on service projects such as fleece blankets, school kits, personal care kits and we even tried the baby kits (that is a real challenge). I enjoy using the Gather Magazine for Bible Study with my circle or on my own. They have great articles and many different authors. The Daily Grace App on my phone, helps me read daily devotions . This free app has short devotions that are uplifting, challenging and engaging. I love meeting with other women who share their stories with me, their joys, sorrows and life in general. Please join us in October to be part of the Women of the ELCA, to work on service projects, elect new board members, have fun on a hayrack ride, learn more about women in leadership roles and how to help human trafficking victims and much more. Come on our journey to “Love Others”. We support Toromare Mananato in our companion church of the Malagasy Lutheran Church in Madagascar, and she says “we hold hands together because we can do more.” Never underestimate the power of women who work together and who are inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Yours in Christ,
Jean Scherer, President, C/SIS WELCA