President's Update
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
I hope you are staying safe and following guidelines to keep you and your family healthy. Sometimes I think that I will wake up from this bad dream of the Covid-19 and everything will be back to normal. I am baking more, eating more Twizzlers and candy, cleaning, watching movies, and reading the Gather to help keep me keep busy and grounded. My Women of the ELCA circle is meeting on Zoom every week to check in with others, pray, share concerns, lift each other up, and do a Bible lesson. I have been trying to mail out notes to other members of the congregation to keep in touch. Thankfully, as humans and Christians, we can adapt. We are reaching out to others in new ways such as using Youtube for our online church services or Zooming with fellow members for fellowship or using Facebook. Thank you for continuing to be Bold women to share the Gospel and be Christ’s church during this crazy time of the coronavirus. Love your neighbor and be kind to others always. “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 5:28
Thanks to Bishop Roth for offering the assistance of Brett Gosteli, the Central/ Southern Illinois Synod communication’s director, to update our website. Thanks also to Laura Lee, Office Manager, for her support and cheerful disposition.
Yours in Christ,
Jean Scherer, President, C/SIS WELCA